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What factors influence the air content of concrete in the plastic state?

Factors influencing air content of concrete in plastic state:

  •  Batching sequence simultaneously will lower the air content of the concrete. It can be avoided by adding air entraining admixtures.
  • Overloading during the mixture of concrete will increase the air content of the concrete.
  •  Mixing time of concrete should not be greater or lower than 60 seconds.
  • Belt conveyors used to move mixture from one place to another place will reduce the air content up to an average of 1%.
  •  Air content will decrease in the surface due to excessive finishing.
  • Air content will decreases when the temperature gets increased.
  •  Vibration with high frequencies will decrease the air content.
  • Pumping action also reduces air content with ranges from  to.
  • Reduction in air during the transportation is also occurred.

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