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Differences between steel and iron

Iron is formed from coke, lime stone, iron ore such as iron oxide etc.
Steel if a mixture of carbon, iron and other elements.
Carbon content is more than  
Carbon content is less than
Iron is produced from blast furnace.
Steel is produced by oxidizing the pig iron in another furnace which is obtained in the iron production process.
Iron is an element.
Steel is an alloy comprising of carbon and iron.
Iron is formed from iron ores.
Steel is derived from iron.
Highly corrosive to rust
It is durable and cannot rust easily.
It is used in heavy industries
It is used more in construction industry.
Pure iron is weaker compared to steel
Steel is stronger than iron.
More in weight
Less in weight.
Pure iron is not stiff
Steel is more stiff
100% recyclable
100% recyclable
Melting point  
Melting point
Iron when mixed with other substances will get more strong and durable
Steel is strong and durable

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