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Asphalt usage in slope stabilization in highway construction

Stabilization of slope in the highways construction is a serious problem due to soil erosion by wind and water. The vegetation is done to control this. But for vegetation during or before the seeding is done the soil erosion is to be controlled. Therefore two methods are suggested using asphalt in mulching process:

Asphalt sprays mulch: Use emulsified asphalt sprayed on the newly seeded area. These have three befits, first, it holds the seed in place against erosion. Second, by its dark color it absorbs and conserves solar heat during germination. Third, it holds moisture in the soil. The second method implements the spreading of seed and fertilizer on the prepared soil, followed by spraying the asphalt and mulching material simultaneously. To prevent and stabilize the slope in highway construction.

The suggested thickness for an asphalt surface parking area for heavy trucks on gravelly or sandy well drained soils is 1.5 inches.


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