How to use Rat Trap Bond
Rat Trap Bond is used for economical constructions. It is also called as Green Building Technologies and Sustainability. The placement of the brick in Rat Trap Bond is shown in the figure.
When compared with normal 9 inch wall Rat Trap Wall reduces 30% of bricks and 45% of mortar. It helps to reduce the productivity cost. Alternate building material like Fly Ash bricks instead of Burnt clay bricks and Lime mixed with FlyAsh can be used as mortar.
For one cubic meter of wall 550 number of bricks are used for conventional brick wall and 470 number of bricks are used in Rat Trap Bond. The cavities present are useful to maintain the thermal comfort. Rat Trap Wall keeps the interior cool when its exterior is warm and vice verse. On edge of the wall, above and below the lintels and openings solid brick work is must. This will helps in fixing the opening frame. Rat Trap wall has 20% less dead weight, therefore the foundation cost can be saved.
For one cubic meter Rat Trap Bond can saves 1.11 Bags of cement, 80 Numbers of Bricks, 0.18 cu.m of sand. Incorporating this technique will reduce the green house gas production.
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