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Plastic Shrinkage Cracks

Plastic Shrinkage Cracks

Loss of water by evaporation from the surface of concrete or by the absorption by aggregate or sub grade is believed to be the main reasons of plastic shrinkage. The loss of water results in the reduction of volume. 

The factors affecting the plastic shrinkage are (i) Ambient temperature (ii) Relative humidity (iii) Wind velocity (iv)Temperature of concrete. 

The preventive measures for plastic shrinkage are listed below:

  1. Dampening of sub grade and forms
  2. Controlling the wind velocity by erection of windbreaks
  3. Minimizing placing and finishing time
  4. Using membrane curing, begin curing as soon as possible after finishing
  5. Using mono molecular films (evaporation retarders) or fog spray immediately after the screeding to maintain the water/cement ratio at the surface
  6.  Using surface dry aggregates 

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