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Rebound Hammer Procedure & Guidelines

Rebound Hammer Procedures
  • Make surface smooth, if necessary, and dry.
  • Use grids points over an area to avoid bias.
  • Hold hammer normal to the surface.
  • Take as many readings as possible.
  • Convert readings to comp. strength (calibration).
  • Note correction for inclined surfaces.

Rebound Hammer Guidelines
  • Conduct on smooth and uniform face.
  • Avoid rough spots, honey combs.
  • Avoid troweled surfaces.
  • Thin sections (< 100 mm)  should be backed up to avoid deflections.
  • Take at-least 15 rebound readings in any one test.
  • Calculate the mean.
  • Compare deviation of readings from the mean.
  • Test is considered reliable if the deviation of ten readings is not more than the following:
          Rebound value         15        30       45
          Deviation                  2.5        3         3.5
  • Use  best 10 readings for calculating the mean.
  • Determine compressive strength by referring to rebound number vs strength charts against the mean value.
  • Best accuracy achievable is within + 20% 

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