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"Concrete Cancer"

Corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete structures is well known to be "Concrete Cancer", which is a significant worldwide problem and causes multi-billion dollars losses  to the infrastructure and building owners each year.

India loses around Rs.25,000 Crores every year on account of corrosion.

The detection, diagnosing and appropriate treatment of this complicated problem requires very special expertise in this field.
                                                concrete cancer

Stage 1: Initially, the concrete appears to be sound with relatively little macroscopic cracking and no reddish discoloration from corrosion product formation.

concrete cancer

Stage 2: Macroscopic cracks have appeared and the concrete surface is stained by reddish corrosion products. 

concrete cancer

Stage 3: Spalling of the concrete cover over the reinforcing steel is clearly visible, due to the formation of voluminous corrosion products

concrete cancer

Stage 4: Severe spalling of the concrete cover over the reinforcing steel is evident, leaving the reinforcing steel bars directly exposed to the atmosphere. 


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