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Three management techniques to control soil erosion.

  • Contouring
  • Strip cropping
  • Terracing

Contouring: Contouring is also known as contour farming. It is used in conducting operations on field which include planting, harvesting and tillage. It is useful in reducing surface runoff by making the water to flow
into small depressions. It is helpful in reducing soil erosion. It is also useful in conservation of water.

Strip cropping:  It is a type of practice in which growing alternate strips of different crops in the same field.  Rotation of crops takes place in this strip cropping. This rotation provides strips which help in growing different types of grasses and legumes which are helpful in reducing the erosion which is caused by water. Maximum length of slopes which are used in strip cropping is twice those for which is used in contouring alone. These strips which are having grass are used in reducing overland flow velocity and there is a possibility of increasing in filtration. By this infiltration velocity of water which is entering into the next strip also gets reduced which is useful in reducing soil erosion.

Terracing: It is a process in which terraces are constructed on slopes which are eroding. These terraces are used for reducing runoff and also length of slope. The channel of terrace is leveled or made available to direct runoff to subsurface drains which make this runoff away from these areas. If a terrace is leveled the movement of water in lateral direction is reduced. So it is good to use this terracing on highly infiltrated soils as there is no movement of water infiltration takes place easily which is helpful in reducing soil erosion.

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