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What are admixtures and what are they used for?


Admixtures are added to the concrete at the time of mixing to change some properties of the concrete mix. There are five types of admixtures. They are,

  • Plasticizers
  • Super plasticizers
  • Air entrainers
  • Accelerators
  • Retarders

Uses of admixtures:

  •  Admixtures are used to the concrete mix for following reasons.
  • Increase the workability without any change in water content ratio.
  •  Reduce water content without any change in workability.
  • Adjust the setting time of concrete.
  • It will reduce segregation and bleeding from the concrete structure.
  • Increase strength.
  • Reduce permeability.
  • Increase durability.
  • Reduce cost of materials
  • Substitute the poor properties of aggregate.

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